HandsDown Birchwood Cuticle Sticks

GR-542567470365425614 Inchlogin to see your price
GR-542577470365425787 inchlogin to see your price
The round, HandsDown Birchwood Sticks are available in 4" & 7".
  • The 4" sticks are beveled on one end and pointed on the other for use in manicure/pedicure touch ups and eyebrow waxing.
  • 4" sticks are ideal for manicure/pedicure touch ups and eyebrow waxing!
  • The 7" sticks are beveled at both ends and are a staple for manicure/pedicure services.
  • 7" sticks, with the beveled ends, are a staple for manicure/pedicure services!
  • The pre-packaged product ensures a clean stick when used on client's vs. sticks purchased in bulk