Flanax Linimento 2.3Fo

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Flanax Liniment has analgesic, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties, making its use ideal to quickly reduce muscle and joint pain.You can use both Flanax Liniment and Flanax Pain Reliever Tablets together.
  • Use the Flanax Liniment first since the analgesic effect of the Liniment is quick (30 minutes) and also take a Flanax Pain Reliever Tablet to reduce muscle aches, pains, and strains
  • The Flanax Pain Reliever Tablet would take 2 hours to reach peak concentration so 2 hours after the application of the Liniment the tablets would start working and provide another 8-12 hours of pain relief
  • Menthol- dilates the blood vessels, causing a sensation of coldness followed by an analgesic effect
  • Methyl salicylate is a salicylic acid derivative and is used topically in rubefacient preparations for the relief of pain in musculoskeletal, joint, and soft-tissue disorders. It is a derivative of aspirin and reduces inflammation
  • Capsicum- Capsaicin is a neuropeptide-active agent that affects the synthesis, storage, transport, and release of substance P. Substance P is thought to be the principal chemical mediator of pain impulses from the periphery to the central nervous system
  • Capsaicin renders skin and joints insensitive to pain by depleting and preventing reaccumulation of substance P in peripheral sensory neurons